An Earlier View of the Same House, Summer of 1950
The photo below is the same Gallaher homeplace before it's wide front porch and shutters were added. Originally dating to the early 1800's, it's logs were covered with siding, and at some point these concrete steps were added to lead down the hill to Hardin Valley Road. From top of steps, l-r: Jack Gallaher holding niece Suzanne, Jack's wife Jane Gallaher and Margaret (Gallaher) holding her son Mike. On the front row are Sophia Blanche Buffat Hembree and her daughter Betsy (Mrs. Macy) Gallaher.

Below: Just inside the front foyer, in the 1960's

Back View of the Farm, Fall of 1960
Only a few farmhouses dotted the hills along Hardin Valley Road in the early to mid-20th century. The wide open views of pristine farmland and green rolling hills were breathtaking up through the mid-1900's.

Hardin Valley Road in the 1940's
Photo below, when pin-up girls and sunbathing were popular, this was how Hardin Valley Road looked. The houses to the right are at the intersection of the road with Campbell Station Road. Just to the left is the driveway of the Gallaher homeplace. Margaret Gallaher is in the foreground.