Before 1926
The Jones home place, white frame building seen far in the distance along the fence line to the left, still remains on Hardin Valley Road, built by Uncle Jim Jones and his wife Josephine King Jones. However, that first frame house burned in 1926 and a fine brick house was built that still remains today. Dorothy Jones Farnham (daughter of Jim & Josephine Jones) holds the pony in this photo. Seated are Clarence Montgomery Walker in front of John Harvey Gallaher** (son of Myrtle and Roy Gallaher). The pony's name was Tip. Thanks to Marjorie Walker Walters for this photo.
**John Harvey Gallaher grew up to be a Tennessee musician and noted radio personality. In Richmond, Virginia, many years later he was known as "Johnny G from Tennessee." John came to a tragic end when he was assaulted and murdered in Richmond by serial killers, the Briley brothers.

Macy's Dairy Barn, about 1958
To the left in the photo below is the corner of the big hay barn, which no longer exists at this point in 2010. Neither does the white board fence (seen in distance, to the right) which surrounded the old Gallaher home. But the dairy barn, painted differently but still structurally sound, still stands on Hardin Valley Road, as of 2010.

Margaret Gallaher and her Reagan cousins
Margaret is the smaller child in front, while her cousins stand behind (the children of Lennis and Ted Reagan, Billy, Ruth and Teddy, plus Roy Gallaher's son John on the right). This was at one corner of Campbell Station and Hardin Valley Roads.

The Morning Milking
Macy milked his cows twice a day, getting up about 4:30 each morning to get started. He had Guernseys, Holsteins and Jerseys. Dairy farming was a task he did consistently by himself for more than 50 years, although he had modern automation in the later years. Here he is in the barn when he was nearly 70 years old. The photo was taken in 1958 by 10-year-old granddaughter Suzanne for a school essay project about farming.

Copyright 2009 by Suzanne Haley. For further information, email